Coolest Kids On Earth!
Rave On This Christmas

Grammys For Sale
Good news, Radiohead did get a couple of nods, including one for album of the year. Bad news, Grammy awards are voted on by folks at record labels, and Radiohead isn't on a label. So, I am sure that In Rainbows will be losing out to Coldplay's Viva La Vida, the official "Mom On Her Way To Starbucks Cruising In The Range Rover" album of the year.
Also as equally mind-numbing as the nominations is the number of categories. 110. Multiply that by 5 nominations per category and that's 550 nominations. Now, there may be 550 artists worth nomination out there, but only about 6 of them made the list. The rest of the selections look like they could be a free compilation album that you'd get with your copy of Us Weekly.
Now as much as I am ranting right now, I will probably tune in to watch the Grammys as I do every year and thank God for the fact that He saved me from listening to this horrendous music and pray that He will bestow the same grace upon the rest of America.
By the way, if it seems like I am overreacting, consider this: The Jonas Brothers are nominated for Best New Artist. Need I say more?
Get It!
Comedy Hour
If you like what you see, there's more at his website.
'Tis The Season
For those of you already in the know, e.g. everyone who reads this blog, check out "The Trapeze Swinger" on iTunes. This one will bring tears to your eyes.
Sacto Gets The Colbert Bump!
On The Campaign Trail...
Even More From Iceland
Led Zeppelin Minus The Led
Air Mail
Dear Airbag Radio,
I just want you to know I love the updates and coverage that you provide! I am sad to have missed out on Sigur Ros at the Greek Theater, and hope to share other great and powerful moments with you. I love your piece on the VMA's, and the quote from Mike Skinner is powerful. I appreciate your observations and outlook.
Your Biggest Fan,

More From Thom Yorke
More from Iceland
Back At It
Can't Wait
Vote Or Die!

Farewell, Paul
Trailer to the classic, Cool Hand Luke below. Our favorite of his movies and a must-see.
Blogging for Dummies: Etiquette 101

Imagine going online one day and discovering someone is biting your style. Maybe it’s your header (or elements of) that has been snatched. Or a certain post format from your blog being copied. How do you react; are you angry? Flattered? Creeped out? Most likely a combination of all three.
The world wide web is exactly that–wide. Million upon millions of people, many of whom share similar interests are involved in the internet community. There is bound to be some overlap and in fact, we expect it & at times welcome it, because after all, who doesn’t love meeting new people that are into the same kinds of things? But there comes a time when a certain line is crossed and it’s just flat out wrong to claim other people’s ideas as your own.
In the blogger-sphere in particular, it’s common to find writers who blog about the same topics (especially trendy ones). My sexy Aussie pal Em wrote a great article on issues surrounding this. However, I think the #1 thing that people forget to mention when such a similarty evolves is crediting the original source. I, for instance, began posting a weekly installment of Things I Love Thursday, inspired by the lovelyGala Darling yet I also was gracious enough to give her the credit as seen here in my very first TILT post. It wasn’t hard. It took two seconds. You should try it next time.
My apologies if I’m coming off a bit ranty here. It’s just that I get really fired up about this sort of thing. It’s recently been brought to my attention that there is someone out there with some very, very, very striking similarities to my blog & content. I know that I work really hard and put a lot of effort into my words and ideas and so when something like this comes to light it’s quite disheartening and frankly, pathetic if you ask me. One of my favorite parts of the web is all the organic material I come across on it. I’d like to keep that going. So please, be kind to one another. Use the golden rule. Give credit when it is due. Inject some love into the blogger-sphere<3
Has your online personality/work ever been jacked? What are your thoughts/opinions on dealing with it? Discuss.
Deftones In Studio
Back To School
Amnesiac – Radiohead
Nevermind – Nirvana
Early Days – Led Zeppelin
( ) – Sigur Ros
Rage Against the Machine
Phrenology – The Roots
Toxicity – System of a Down
Legend – Bob Marley & The Wailers
White Pony – Deftones
Revolver – The Beatles
War All The Time – Thursday
Sea Change – Beck
Bob Dylan’s Greatest Hits
I’m Wide Awake, It’s Morning – Bright Eyes
Highly Evolved – The Vines
By the Way – Red Hot Chili Peppers
A Rush of Blood to the Head – Coldplay
The Eminem Show – Eminem
Veni Vidi Vicious – The Hives
[Hybrid Theory] – Linkin Park
The Best of Ken Burns Jazz
Absolution – Muse
lovehatetragedy – Papa Roach
Automatic for the People – R.E.M.
Original Pirate Material – The Streets
In Utero – Nirvana
OK Computer – Radiohead
Unplugged in New York – Nirvana
Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain – Pavement
Greatest Hits – Bjork
Busted Stuff – Dave Matthews Band
40 oz. to Freedom – Sublime
Hope you enjoyed it. We certainly had a few laughs looking back on it. Now hit the comments section with your favorites from your school days.
Yeezy Does It
Rave On
Justice Delivered
Still Feeling Faint?
File Under: Rock The Party

Here at Airbag Radio we are big fans of music that pushes boundaries, exposes the creator (or Creator) and challenges the listener. But, sometimes you just gotta cut loose and indulge in some fun. For those moments when you're seeking pure pop exuberance, we highly recommend Girl Talk, mashup DJ extraordinaire. Girl Talk is known for shaking together the most unlikely of musical combinations into on hell of a party. His newest album, Feed The Animals, combines over 300 samples into an hour long party jam. This one's also pay what you want, Radiohead-style. All the fun of pop music, none of the guilt. Check it out here!
Jay-Z and Oasis Come Together

Quote To Remember
Still Stoned
New Tunes From Bobby D.
Coming Attraction...

Duality Of Humanity, a solo exhibition from Shephard Fairey, the mind behind Obey Giant, opens , September 13th at White Walls Gallery in San Francisco. All those interested in attending, say "Aye."
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Atmosphere Comes Home
Back To The Streets

More From The Street
Nas vs. Fox News
On The Horizon
Free Coldplay
Free Converse
Counting To 4
Comedy Hour With Airbag Radio

You Have To Hear This!
Word On The Streets
For Your Listening Enjoyment
Going Gonzo...
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it'll be showing in Sactown, but we'll keep you posted on the DVD release. In the meantime, check out Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas for a glimpse into the life of Gonzo.
A Voice In The Desert
Crate Diggin'


It's back! MDYHTS is our semi-irregular column featuring Music Documentaries You Have To See. This time around it's DiG!, a 2004 documentary focusing on the bands, The Dandy Warhols and The Brian Jonestown Massacre. Although the film follows the early careers of each of these bands, it is the drama and controversy surrounding The Brian Jonestown Massacre's leader Anton Newcombe, that really commands the attention of the viewer. Over the course of the film, Newcombe's simultaneous creativity and instability bring new depth to the term "tortured genius." This guy can write damn good music, but he is damn crazy too. You'll be blown away by the dichotomy. Enjoy!
Queen Josh Meets UNKLE
Look for the album, End Titles... Stories For Film, online July 15th and in stores September 2.

Any suggestions for the studio name? Let us know here.
Internet Neutrality: The Government Has Put This Blog Up For Sale
Save the Internet | Rock the Vote
Did Jay-Z Rock It?
Getting Colder or Coldplay and Its New Album

Modern Guilt is just a couple of weeks away and iLike's got a couple of sneak peaks for all you who can't wait!
Feeling Faint?
The Greatest Show On Earth
Bright Eyes Minus The Bright And Minus The Eyes

Conor Oberst aka Bright Eyes is stepping out from the shadows of his stage name to put out his first album to be released under his Christian name, the appropriately titled Conor Oberst. The album was recorded in Tepoztlán, Morelos, México, during this past winter in a mountain villa called Valle Místico with the appropriately titled Mystic Valley Band. The album will be out on Merge Records but not until August. In the meantime head over to Conor's website and check out "Danny Callahan" and "Souled Out!!!" Sounds Promising!
That Rain Dance Must've Worked...
Did Coldplay Steal A Song...
Sorry, as much as we love busting Coldplay's balls, it sounds like it's just an odd coincidence. Apparently Chris Martin was recording in England during CMJ 2007 and the band had already written and recorded demos of "When I Ruled The World" 6 months prior to CMJ. Coincidentally, tomorrow's the big release day for Viva La Vida. Keep your eyes on EMI's stock prices, you know the label bosses will.
Spoon at Daytrotter
And The Party Don't Stop...
Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Two Heads Are Better Than One
Find more videos like this on w.a.s.t.e. central
Grab the mp3 over at Deaf Indie Elephants.
Happy Birthday...

Episode IV: A New Hope
Not to shabby! Let's hope the non-acoustic version holds up as well.
South Of The Border
Real Estate Market Report
The Grab Bag
Quick History Lesson...
News From Iceland

Summer's Here
A Brief Digression
As a resident of Midtown, I welcome the noise and excitement that our neighborhood caters to. Midtown is the heart and soul of Sacramento. It gives me great pride to see people flock to "The Grid" on weekends to take part in the urban lifestyle that I get to experience on a daily basis. To my neighbors who are upset or bothered by the cultural renaissance and renewed interest in Midtown I say "Move!" If you want to live in a quiet sanitized neighborhood, head out to Natomas. Otherwise, embrace the late-night noise. Get out and see what's going on in your own neighborhood! People are excited about where you live and that's a great thing. To the author of the article, please don't demonize Midtown by insinuating that stabbings and shootings are a regular part of life here. Midtown is as safe or unsafe as any other part of the city.
Please feel free to comment here. And for more, we recommend reading Michael Heller's thoughts.

Quote To Remember
Goddamn Kids...
Heard In The Desert
Best Day This Week? Tuesday, Hands Down!
Comin' At Ya!
Radiohead Makes Time 100 (And Why Time Sucks)
Another New Album From NIN (For Free!)

Today, Nine Inch Nails has announced the release of their newest album, The Slip. The Slip is available for free via the band's website. Physical manifestations to follow. Check it out here!
Radiohead Take On Child Labor In New Video
Nationalize Music?
Quote To Remember (Coachella Edition, Part II)
- Stephen Malkmus
Tired Of Death Cab Yet?

Single Day Tix For Outside Lands Fest! Yeah!!!
More From NIN
Out Today!
Coachella 2008 (...yeah, we were there!)
Quote To Remember
Recommended Traveling
Feist Hits The Road