OK, it's no news that Rolling Stone Magazine, has sold its soul a thousand times over and will perpetually burn in hell for the sins it has committed against the Rock & Roll it once championed so proudly, but this is un-fucking-believable! The Fucking Jonas Brothers! Are you kidding me? How much did Disney shell out to buy this cover? And which would be worse, if Disney paid to get these kids on the cover or if Rolling Stone chose to put them on it?
This is the ultimate all time low for Rolling Stone. A magazine that featured John Lennon on it's very first covered. A magazine that has had a long history of featuring thought-provoking images of envelope-pushing artists. A magazine that now has given up all that it once represented and featured the clean-cut pre-fabricated all-American teen sensations, The Jonas Brothers. To quote one of our dedicated readers, Anonymous, "Fuck Rolling Stone Magazine, that's what I say!"
When the cast of The Hills made the cover, I was optimistic about the future. I thought to myself, "This is the lowest Rolling Stone can possible go. This is the worst possible magazine cover. It can't get any worse than this. It's all uphill from here." Apparently I was wrong. It can get worse and it did. And just like our current economy, we likely haven't hit the bottom yet. Look for another spoke in Disney's corporate cog of machinery, Hannah Montana, on a future Rolling Stone near you.