Can't wait for Coachella?
Neither can we, but in the meantime we're super hyped for this weekend's Sacramento Electronica Music Festival going down over at the TownHouse Lounge in Midtown. Put on by the same folks who are bringing you tonight's
Two Shed's performance, this one is sure to be a real barn burner. Three days of mad electronic blips and beeps from 25+ artists, both local and international. If you're a fan of the electro scene, you don't want to miss this, and if you're not a fan you still don't want to miss this. It's that awesome! Headlining artists include Tycho, Dusty Brown, Tha Fruitbat and Sactown's finest, Sister Crayon. It all goes down Thursday, January 28th, through Saturday, the 30th. At 10 bucks for a three day pass, this is a steal. Get more info and tickets at the festival's
official site and be sure to check back here for a day by day report.
Airbag Radio looks forward to getting crazy with you there.
I can't believe you are making a big deal about some lame bands. Come over to NY for some real international superstars.