Finally it's here!!! The new
Radiohead album,
In Rainbows, is complete and will be available in just 10 days! The format for this release is unprecedented. The album will be available in two formats, digital and discbox. On October 10th, anyone who purchases either version will be able to download the album. The pricing for the download only is left entirely up to you. You get to input your price. For those willing to spring for the discbox package, the album will be shipped on December 3rd, and will include both a CD and double vinyl version of the album, a bonus CD of extra songs, and lots of cool art sure to wow you for hours. Unfortunately, the discbox doesn't come with the price-it-yourself option.

Few releases have been as highly anticipated as this one and certainly no albums have ever been released in this fashion. Typically months of press is put out prior to an album's release in order to build up hype, e.g. Kanye West. Although fans had an inkling something was brewing, no one had any clue that the album would be put out on such short notice. This is a groundbreaking experiment and Radiohead is just the band to test it out.
Go to and for more information.
So you cant go buy it in the stores??