A Voice In The Desert

At long last, after 8 years of waiting, a voice in the desert has been heard.  That voice goes by the name, One Day As A Lion.  The words spoken: "One Day As A Lion is both a warning delivered and a promise kept."

Why do these words matter?  Who is One Day As A Lion?  What is the significance?  Well, one half of One Day As A Lion happens to be one Zack de la Rocha of Rage Against The Machine and One Day As A Lion stands as his first recorded project since 2000, when Rage Against The Machine released their final studio album, Renegades.  The other half of the equation happens to be one Jon Theodore, former drummer of The Mars Volta.  This combination of genius has us eagerly anticipating the band's debut, which will arrive in the form of a self-titled EP on July 22 via Anti-.

Here's more from the mouth of the lion:  “A defiant affirmation of the possibilities that exist in the space between kick and snare. It’s a sonic reflection of the visceral tension between a picturesque fabricated cultural landscape, and the brutal socioeconomic realities it attempts to mask."

How fitting for these times that we find ourselves in?

Check the band's page here.

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