Man, it's been a bender...

...over the past week or so Airbag Radio made it out to see Two Sheds and Fruit Bats, hit up two nights of Sacramento Electronica Music Fest and catch Seawolf and The Album Leaf last night. Needless to say, it's been a fun week. Also needless to say, we're fucking beat. We've got much to say, but too little energy to harness all of our thoughts at the moment. So this weekend we retreat into the wilderness, much like Bon Iver, and hope to return with renewed spirit and, also much like Bon Iver, a masterpiece on par with For Emma, Forever Ago. OK, so maybe we won't return with the best album of the past ten years, but we can dream.

Here's what you can look forward to upon our return from sabbatical:

Airbag Radio's long overdue and highly anticipated recap on the best albums of 2009.

Also look for our long in-the-works and highly unexpected new mix CD, titled X.

Lastly, we'll reveal Airbag's first ever rock 'n' roll interviewee. Oh yeah!

Enjoy the weekend!

PS Keep your eyes peeled for Airbag Radio's Super Bowl ad. We broke the bank for this one!

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