Arcade Fire - Neon Bible

Epic. Anthemic. Glorious. Even with words like these, it is difficult to describe the magnitude of Neon Bible. This albums delivers sweeping themes over this large ensemble's even larger sound. Personal struggle and reflection under the weight of society. Fear, disillusionment, family, God, country. Highlights include "Intervention," "Ocean Of Noise," and "Neon Bible." Check this one out and if you like what you hear then you are sure to enjoy the bands debut album, Funeral.

Epic. Anthemic. Glorious. Even with words like these, it is difficult to describe the magnitude of Neon Bible. This albums delivers sweeping themes over this large ensemble's even larger sound. Personal struggle and reflection under the weight of society. Fear, disillusionment, family, God, country. Highlights include "Intervention," "Ocean Of Noise," and "Neon Bible." Check this one out and if you like what you hear then you are sure to enjoy the bands debut album, Funeral.
I went onto the 'Neon Bible' website and watched the video. What are your thoughts about the hammer of his voice towards the Neon Bible? Is the Neon Bible an attack on unsuccessful blends of the 'myth' of Christianity into modern culture, is it Nietzschean rebellion against the reality (interpretation) spread about the religion or the religion itself? Whether Arcade Fire is cutting at the fat or muscle of Christ I cannot tell. Your thoughts.
ReplyDeleteRyan, Thank you for your question regarding the 'Neon Bible' and its significance. A large portion of the album addresses modern American culture and the weight of society. The 'Neon Bible' could represent the lukewarm Christianity that is so engrained into modern American culture that the two seem as one. Or the 'Neon Bible' could represent the right-wing Christianity that has come to serve as the public face of Christianity in American media. But I don't think that Arcade Fire intended for the 'Neon Bible' to be limited strictly as a metaphor for Christianity or Christ. Rather, it seems, there are two important metaphors being combined into one. The image of the 'Bible' serves to represent a code by which one lives their life. The image of 'Neon', serves to represent that which is mesmerizing, consuming, blinding. By combining these two metaphors together, we arrive at a new meaning, a code by which you live your life that mesmerizes and blinds you to reality and truth. The code can be different for everyone. It can be Christianity, consumerism, patriotism, drug abuse, any type of addiction or religion. And once you have so fully subscibed to the code, you are unable to understand any other way of life. You have become blinded by the 'Neon Bible.' Your thoughts?
ReplyDeleteI loove the neon bible video! I really want to hear the album
ReplyDeleteGrand! Neon does have that effect and in looking back at my cheerful days of swinging false blades of fiery judgement at my friends I recall a certain daze that has almost no existence in me now. The thrill of eating by myself to appear holy, the pleasure of understanding the entire world via five sentences and the escapism of realities (I'm an ass) turning into justifications (they are asses) reminds me of the lyrics 'take the poison of your rage / don't lick your fingers when you turn the page.' Damn it James we have to get this Music Mania started!