For all you music lovers out there, this one is a must have. Led Zeppelin's newest compilation, Mothership, is what your ears have been waiting for. Two discs of groundbreaking rock & roll from one of music's most legendary bands. Every song is a classic. But even if you already have all the songs featured on this compilation, this is still an essential buy. Why you ask? For the first time in the CD era, Led Zeppelin's songs have been remastered to fully bring out all the band's greatness. The bass is heavy, the drums hit hard, the guitar screams and the vocals wail. Much like The Beatles' compilation release, Love, the sound quality on Mothership will blow you away. Your ears have to hear this.
Added bonus: The album artwork was created by Obey Giant.
Extra added bonus: As previously reported on Airbag Radio, a Led Zeppelin tour is rumored to be in the works.
I saw the cover and I knew it must be obey giant. Very cool.