Amy Winehouse - Back To Black
Instant classic. Years from now, people will look back on 2007 and remember Amy Winehouse's Back To Black. Then they'll put it on and it'll sound just as good then as it does now. This album is infectious. Sweet grooves, blaring horns and an amazing voice take you on a trip through 60's Motown. But the lyrics aren't all sugar and candy. On the deeply personal songs, Winehouse bares her soul to her off-again/on-again/off-again boyfriend (who is now her husband.) Jealousy, bitterness, sorrow and despair are all major themes and it's all washed down with a whole lotta booze. 'Rehab' proved to be the smash hit of the summer but every song on the album is just as great. Favorites are "Tears Dry On Their Own" and "You Know I'm No Good." For the 2 people on the planet who have yet to hear Back To Black, get it.
I love winehouse even if she is a crack addict, I hope she doesnt OD cause she is so talented